Wednesday, June 30, 2010


The following are four elements, considered to be crucial in the new model of leadership.

Great Leaders Need No Titles

There are two types of leadership. The most familiar kind comes with a title such as CEO or President. The second type is the power of each individual to drive positive change wherever they are. Everyone is influencing the people around them one way or another. Those who grasp this reality understand that their core beliefs will affect others. Thus, such beliefs must be intentionally considered and applied.

Turbulent Times Breed Great Leaders

We tend to run away from discomfort. But fighting against turbulence is like fighting against the seasons. Tough times are inevitable. Hence, those who embrace change brought on by difficult times grow stronger while operating with the understanding that adversity breeds opportunity.

Effective Leaders Build Relationships

It is of importance to connect with others, as deeper relationships lead to stronger leadership. For instance, if a company leader focuses only on having a great product but ignores the people delivering that product, the quality of the experience to the customer is usually less than excellent. It is imperative that we recognize our need for others in order to be successful.

The Lost Piece of the Leadership Puzzle

To become a great leader, one must first become a great person. You cannot lead others until you have first learned to lead yourself. Many individuals have become victims of their circumstances rather than overcoming them, which leads to an addiction to excuses.

All the same, it is crucial in life to learn from those who had demonstrated meaningful leadership skills and achievements, as well as emulate them!

Posted By: Mayor Timo

By Landscape Media Ventures (LMV) with No comments


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