Sunday, July 10, 2011


Posted By: TimoStevens, 2009

Great leaders know the need to unleash talent. They create a culture that releases the highest talents and contributions of their people.

People make their highest and best contributions when their leaders execute on the following 4 imperatives:

1. Align Systems; Great leaders build the organization's capability to consistently achieve its goals, attract and retain talent, improve work processes, and develop intense customer loyalty.

2. Unleash Talent; Great Leaders tap the full potential and contribution of each individual, respecting all the dimensions of the "whole person."

3. Inspire Trust; Great leaders create personal credibility and earn the legitimate trust of others.

4. Clarify Purpose; Great Leaders work efficiently with others to create a clear and compelling purpose that is focused on customer needs - strategically aligned and financially viable.

"Talented employees need great managers... how long that employee stays and how productive he is while he is there is determined by his relationship with his immediate supervisor," - Buckingham and Coffman (First, Break All the Rules)

Source: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Franklin Covey.

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