"To be effective as a leader, it's important to know your group in terms of knowledge, ability, desire and willingness, and be ready to adapt your style to suit the occasion..."


"Effective leadership traits has to do with HONESTY, in which the leader is real; TALENT, in which the leader is capable; UNDERSTANDING, in which the leader respects subordinates' opinion and praise them for their excellence..."


"What you say and what you do, affects how you carry yourself and the reality you create about you. So does these 25 Statements of Highly Effective Leaders, shows how people view and accept you as a leader..."


"Effective leaders have many common qualities. Good group leaders make an effort to learn and practise skills so they can be better and more productive..."


"Effective Leaders are honest, reliable, credible, approachable, teachable, trustworthy, believers... etc etc etc, please, Read On!"

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Posted By: Mayor Timo

We all want the ability to impact people – make them like us, do things for us or even accept our beliefs and way of thinking. All this and so much can be achieve if we possess the right skill and understand what influencing is all about.

Yes, influencing is a skill! And people are more willing to agree with you, if they feel acknowledged, understood and appreciated. And may even end up doing something that, they wouldn’t previously have done because they feel good about making the choice.

Influencing is about understanding yourself and the effect or impact you have on others. On certain occasion, it can be one way, yet the primary relationship is two way, and it’s about changing how others perceive (i.e. see) you.

When influencing, perception is reality! Whatever goes well for you matters less – if it isn’t perceived so by others, then it doesn’t exist, other than in your mind.

You could be doing the most brilliant presentation you’ve ever created, but if you haven’t brought your ‘audience’ with you, the brilliance is wasted. You have to be able to see what’s going on for them!

Influencing can sometimes be looked at as the ability to maneuver. The other person isn’t pushed into seeing your view of the world, but is persuaded, often unconsciously, into understanding it.

Sometimes you can get so used to your own personal style or way of being or pattern of communicating, that you don’t think of how it’s being received, and you don’t think of behaving in any other way.

Influencing is about being able to move things forward, without pushing, forcing or telling others what to do. Thus, whatever your type of work, influencing others is about having the confidence and willingness to use yourself to make things happen.

Influencing people is also the ability to ‘work’ a dynamic, whether it’s a large group, one to one or over the phone. ‘Working’ they dynamic has to do with, using everything at your disposal, both verbal and non-verbal communication, to create the impact you want, rather than letting things just happen.

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By: Mayor Timo

Leadership is challenging. Part of the challenge is that leading well is not just something we do, but it is something we cultivate in others. To do so well means growing personally in how we lead and developing leadership in others.


Leadership is a great privilege and calling. God has called you to your position. With it comes great joy and responsibility. The challenges of any position are real and about much more than just the job. It comes with headaches, personal cost and sacrifices. Yet those difficulties are worth suffering to serve the Kingdom.


Leadership means investing in others for the work that is to be done. Look at your ministry and ask yourself in whom you are investing. Investment means much more than just developing a leadership team. You know Jesus had the many, the 12 and the inner circle of three.


Leaders don't own, they empower. Good leaders know the work of ministry is not their own but that of Jesus Christ. Leaders are called to steward the ministry and the people within it. Leadership is not about keeping power but about giving it away to others. More than delegating the work load, leaders who empower others willingly share the authority and responsibility, trusting others to do great things for the Kingdom and doing all they can to equip them to do so.


When you hear of the success of others, do you feel jealous, or can you take joy in the success of others for the sake of the Kingdom? Secure leaders rejoice in the success of other leaders. In your own ministry, recruit and empower those more talented than you—and then celebrate the work they do. Honor other leaders.


Leaders should evaluate their own work and the work of others in ministry. This is very important and requires the honest assessment of yourself and others. Many leadership books can provide guidelines for ministry assessment, questions to ask and systems to use.


Leadership requires community. Find a group with whom you can meet, share, pray and rejoice. Finding a group of leaders—often separate from your own ministry—with whom you can honestly share and pray is a great gift and one worth pursuing.

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The following are four elements, considered to be crucial in the new model of leadership.

Great Leaders Need No Titles

There are two types of leadership. The most familiar kind comes with a title such as CEO or President. The second type is the power of each individual to drive positive change wherever they are. Everyone is influencing the people around them one way or another. Those who grasp this reality understand that their core beliefs will affect others. Thus, such beliefs must be intentionally considered and applied.

Turbulent Times Breed Great Leaders

We tend to run away from discomfort. But fighting against turbulence is like fighting against the seasons. Tough times are inevitable. Hence, those who embrace change brought on by difficult times grow stronger while operating with the understanding that adversity breeds opportunity.

Effective Leaders Build Relationships

It is of importance to connect with others, as deeper relationships lead to stronger leadership. For instance, if a company leader focuses only on having a great product but ignores the people delivering that product, the quality of the experience to the customer is usually less than excellent. It is imperative that we recognize our need for others in order to be successful.

The Lost Piece of the Leadership Puzzle

To become a great leader, one must first become a great person. You cannot lead others until you have first learned to lead yourself. Many individuals have become victims of their circumstances rather than overcoming them, which leads to an addiction to excuses.

All the same, it is crucial in life to learn from those who had demonstrated meaningful leadership skills and achievements, as well as emulate them!

Posted By: Mayor Timo

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Posted By: Mayor Timo

“You think the people of this country exist to provide you with position. I think your position exists to provide those people with freedom” – William Wallace, Braveheart.

Is it Position or Power? Who is a leader? What is the focus of a healthy leadership? And what lessons can we learn from Jesus Christ, the greatest leader of leaders?

When the disciples asked Jesus for positions and titles, glory and recognition, authority and power, they showed that they completely misunderstood leadership. This prompted Jesus to explain to them, the heart of leadership: For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many (Mark 10:45).


Some of history’s greatest leaders led without official positions or titles. Consider the following people:

- David had no crown or throne, only a harp and sling, yet the people followed him, not King Saul (2 Samuel 5:1-3).

- Nelson Mandela freed South Africa from Apartheid with no title and no position. While his body was wasting away in a prison cell for twenty-seven years, his ideas were taking down a seemingly invincible government.

- Ghandi had no title and no authority, yet despite being incarcerated four times, his influence crushed the British Empire and freed India.

- Ninoy Aquino was in a Philippine prison for seven years, then in exile; all the while, his influence brought an end to the Marcos regime, though he held no official position, authority, or title.

- William Wallace, not a royalty, led the Scotts in their fight for freedom from the English. His leadership lesson to the Scottish noble says it all: “Your title gives you claim to the throne of our country, but men don't follow titles, they follow courage.”

This confirms that, real leadership is influence with or without a title!


Jesus’ disciples didn’t want to serve people; they wanted to sit in glory. But real leadership is not about the leader getting a plaque, a statue, a standing ovation, or some kind of temporal glory. It’s all about service.

Servant leadership is what Jesus was trying to get his disciples to grasp (Mark 10:43-45).

“The measure of a man is not how many servants he has, but how many men he serves” - D.L. Moody.


Authority over people — that is exactly how many people view leadership! Jesus went on to address this concept of authority disguised as leadership by saying: Not so with you. Whoever wants to become great must be your servant (Mark 10:43).

Leadership is more about guiding than demanding. Guides go first and set an example for others to follow. They do not push, pull, or drag. They simply lead. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. (Mark 10:45)

Only Jesus had a better description of leadership when he said: Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all (Mark 10:43, 44).

Should the people serve the leaders? Or, should the leaders serve the people? These are they questions we all must ask ourselves about our desires and motives for leadership.

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