Monday, January 3, 2011


A leader knows that change begins inside. He/She intuitively knows what needs to be done in order to impact the people. A leader knows change begins with the heart, and that transformation happens from the inside out.

To enhance your own leadership abilities, practice the following activities;

  • Work in the areas of your strength;- We are most intuitive in the areas of our gifts and interests.
  • Explore the opportunities in front of you;- Our intuition comes most alive when we size up the options near us.
  • Discern root causes for the issues you face;- Work to get past superficial answers and solve root issues.
  • Analyze past successes;- Study your victories and see if you find a pattern that reveals how you won them.
  • Listen to you gut;- Effective leaders lead from their goal. But your heart and head have answers. 

Source: The Maxwell Leadership Bible, John C. Maxwell

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