Monday, January 10, 2011


1. That’s an excellent idea. (I think I’ll steal the credit for it!)

2. If I wanted your opinion I’d tell you what it is.

3. Since you didn’t say anything I had to assume you agreed.

4. You’re paid to do, not think.

5. What part of “Do as you’re told” do you not understand?

6. Who’s the idiot who came up with that idea?

7. You should be a little more grateful that you even have this job.

8. That is a top priority. As is everything else you are assigned to do.

9. Lucky for you, I found an error in your plan before you made a fool of yourself.

10. That’s why I’m the boss, and you’re not.

11. I shouldn’t have to tell you you’re doing a good job.

12. I want you to think outside the box, (as long as your thinking agrees with mine.)

13. I expect you to be on time for staff meetings. (Even when I’m consistently late.)

14. The next time you decide to use some initiative, make sure you run it by me first.

15. Sorry, but you’ll just have to work smarter, and do more with less.

16. Please – leave your personal life at the door. You’re here to work.

17. I’m in charge. (I don’t have to justify or explain my decisions.)

18. Never talk to “X” without clearing it with me first.

19. You seem to forget who’s most important around here. (Me.)

20. If you don’t like it here, you’re free to leave.

21. I expect your loyalty. (That means, do what I tell you to do at all times.)

What would you add to the list?


By Project RiseUp2010 with No comments


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